The Bar Raiser Interview — Getting a job at Amazon

The Bar Raiser
9 min readAug 11, 2020

Dispelling the myths and misconceptions about Bar Raisers at Amazon and what it means for you as an interviewee.

So, you have an upcoming interview with Amazon. Since you’re a smart and resourceful person, you have already asked your recruiter what the interviews look like, and since they are a nice person, they already told you to prepare for a bunch of things, including specifically, Leadership principles. You google around a little bit and keep running across this thing called a “Bar Raiser”, and there are horror stories of how Bar Raiser rounds are “difficult”, “hard-to-clear”, “a big barrier”, and even borderline evil.

Some reviews found on the internet (Glassdoor, Google, etc.) about “Bar Raisers”
The internet doing its thing — exaggerating things as usual.

Just reading the feedback on the internet, you would think these rounds are purely designed to keep people out of Amazon. The truth, as usual, is a whole lot different from that.

The bar is an imaginary line that represents the 50th percentile of all Amazon employees currently working at that role. A Bar Raiser’s role is to make sure that every hiring committee focuses on maintaining and improving this bar.

The whole purpose of this article is to help you understand what Bar Baisers (BRs) do at…



The Bar Raiser

Writing about my experiences as a Bar Raiser at Amazon. All opinions, alphabets, punctuation; and grammar here are my own and do not represent my employer.